School Bus “Roadeo” National Competition
The “School Bus Roadeo” is a written test and obstacles done in the school bus. Our drivers will compete with one another to see who the best driver is!
Wood Lanes Bowling Event
Please view post to see our our top four bowlers!
Join us as we Honor Great Community Leaders
Please join us as we Honor Great Community Leaders: Hon. John A. Casarow, Jr., Chloe Williams and Richard Morris, Jr.
AX Throwing Team Building Event
Check out the photos from this fun night out!
National Association for Pupil Transportation Prepares to Celebrate National School Bus Safety Week
The National Association for Pupil Transportation (NAPT) joins fellow American School Bus Council (ASBC) members in celebrating National School Bus Safety Week.
National School Bus Safety Week POSTER CONTEST
Get out the art supplies! National School Bus Safety Week is coming up in October and we’re having a poster contest, so it’s time to get creative!
The AWESOME Yellow School Bus
The yellow school bus is awesome. It keeps kids safe, lessens environmental impact and provides access to education for all. It’s time to recognize it for what it truly is: A steadfast, hardworking titan of transportation.
ASBC releases COVID-19 School Bus Safety Video
This week, ASBC launches another video, called “Symbol of Safety”. This messaging is especially appropriate during the Back-to-School period to instill confidence that relevant cleaning and sanitizing measures are being taken during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Present From Student
In times like this, a simple kindness goes so far. A student got creative with her time and made this for our driver, Ms. Katelin!
Our family safely transporting your family
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